Hi my name is Ed Johns a.k.a. Angel Ed.
I have had MS, Multiple Sclerosis, since I was 8.

It was hard being a kid with an illness that made me walk different. Now I use a walker to walk short distances and a wheelchair for longer ones.

The first day we found Midnight. She had a long day
I handed out 100 hotdogs with two marshmallows on a stick
Rambo had parvo when we found him. Now he is Soo healthy

I would like to dedicate this site and the work I do to my best friend Max. Max had cancer and he never complained the whole time.

On May 28th at around 4am I noticed he was having problems laying down and breathing. So I sat with him for about three hours telling him how much I LOVED him,

I must have told him 1000 times, and told him he was such a good boy all the time. And told him he was such a great protector and its ok he doesn’t have to protect me anymore. 


He did a great job and now it’s ok to leave. The whole time we stared into each others eyes both knowing his journey was almost over. 

I kept telling him how much I LOVED him as his breathing was going faster and faster. And I said its ok to go I will always LOVE you. His last breath was at 6:45am May 28th. 

I LOVE and miss him Soo much. He took a piece of my heart with him when he left. I cried the whole time I wrote this.

I LOVE you Max and you will always be my protector and BEST FRIEND.   Until we meet again.


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